Jim Pierson
Flat Rock, NC

I fell in love with photography after taking a college elective on dark room techniques in the early 70’s. Following graduation, I worked a couple years and then quit my job to travel cross country with a good friend to feed my new photography habit – a wonderful experience. Five months later, I’m back to the real world and a paycheck, marriage, and children; photography becoming vacation and holiday snapshots. Upon retirement in 2014, my love of photography was reawakened and I embraced the new world of digital photography and post processing. My wife and I moved to Flat Rock, North Carolina in 2019 and have enjoyed exploring this beautiful area. I joined the Camera Club of Hendersonville and am so impressed with the incredible talent I have found there and hope to learn and improve my photography through my involvement.
Although I do take landscape photographs, my photography style tends to run toward small scenes, isolating elements of a landscape, building, or object rather than capturing the full view; trying to create a strong composition. As a result, I favor a telephoto or macro lens over a wide angle lens. Through club themes and challenges, I am finding my range of subjects expanding and improving technically.
I hope you enjoy viewing my galleries, which I plan to update from time to time. If you’d like to leave a comment or are interested in purchasing any photographs, please leave a comment on the Contact page or contact me at jimpiersonphotography@gmail.com. Thanks for viewing.